Many people that have bad credit wonder where they should apply for a car loan. It's a common question and a big one if you don't understand the world of secondary auto financing. This article will explain a few key points to help you to get pointed in the right direction.
First of all, although it may be tempting, the best place to apply for an auto loan is NOT at a buy here pay here car lot. Dealerships that offer "we finance anyone" deals, are a ticket to be taken to the cleaners. The fact is, many people fall into the trap of thinking that they have to resort to using this type of car finance when that is simply not the case.
Secondly, applying at a local car dealership may only yield mediocre results. It can take a while for the finance manager to sort out the best lender for your loan. With the way that dealerships can add percentage points to your loan, it's definitely not the least expensive place to use.
Third, your local bank may allow you auto financing, but usually local banks work strictly off of the loan value of the car. Sales tax and any amount over the loan value will usually be your responsibility to pay for upfront with a down payment. With the way that the banking industry has been tightened up lately, it may not be your best option to use a local bank.
Finally, online loan companies may be the best place for you to apply, if you want the widest selection of choices. Having bad credit, you'll do better by applying with loan companies that are specifically geared to working with people that have low credit scores. Some are better than others, so make your selection wisely.
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