When you have no credit, it's actually a little bit easier to get a better deal on auto finance than it is if you have bad credit. Different things are taken into account and you will find that you can get a much better deal depending on your time of employment and how much you make each month. In some cases, what you do for a living or how you make your money can have a bearing on what you can qualify for starting out. Getting a car loan with no credit history is fairly simple and straightforward, but the deal that you get is dependent upon a few different factors.
The first factor is how much money you make each month. If you may only $1000 a month, it's going to be really tough qualifying for car loan. This is the same when you have bad credit, too. There are basic income requirements that must be met to qualify for auto financing. For you to qualify with no credit history you need to be making a minimum of $1700 per month. Without that, it's really not going to be happening unless you have a very strong cosigner that is either a parent or guardian. But, if you have the income then qualifying is fairly simple. The more that you make, the more that you can qualify for.
In some cases you can even get approved for brand-new car a few qualify through some of the major manufacturers college programs.
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