If you're looking for a bad credit car loan, then you're probably a frustrated person right now. You want some new wheels and whether you really need a new car or just want one, it's a frustrating feeling to know that you're credit is getting in the way.
It doesn't seem fair. You know you can afford the payments. Heck, you're probably making payments now. You just wish that a loan company would give you a chance and you certainly don't have a couple thousand dollars laying around to use as a down payment. Even after you put down that down payment, you're payments are still going to be really high because of the high interest rate. It's frustrating and I feel your pain. I've been there.
Are There Any Other Options?
Most people have never had anyone tell them that getting approved through a car dealership for financing is one of the hardest ways to get approved for a car loan if you have bad credit. It seems natural to depend on the car dealership to get your financing. When you have bad credit though, it's one of the worst things that you can do and there are better alternatives.
You probably didn't know that even with horrible credit... I'm talking HORRIBLE credit, you can easily get approved online. It's very, very simple and people walk out of car dealerships paying thousands of dollars more than they should have because they didn't know this simple fact.
Getting approved online is easy if you use a lender that specializes in helping people with poor credit. No down payment is expected of you and your interest rate will be much lower than if you went through a dealer to get approved. 99% of people with bad credit have no idea that they even have this option and those same 99% can easily get approved if they just have a job.
So there you go. Enjoy your new ride!
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