If you have credit problems, you may be considering "Buy Here, Pay Here Autos" as a solution. Although it may be tempting, you may find that upon learning a few facts, that this type of establishment does not fit within a positive financial outlook. This article will explain a few key points to consider when looking at the prospect of using dealerships that finance their own cars.
Buy here pay here is a form of auto financing that involves the dealer holding the title to the vehicle until it is paid for. Payment arrangements are made between you and the dealer, and if you default, the vehicle is quickly repossessed. Generally, there are no credit checks involved and it's simple to get buy here, pay here financing with a down payment.
Hold it right there, cowboy.
Down payments are always required at these types of car lots. Autos sold at buy here pay here lots are typically cars that cannot be sold by normal dealerships. They are purchased at car auctions cheap, and usually the amount requested for a down payment equals a good portion of what the dealer paid for the car. What you pay in car payments and interest, is primarily profit.
As there are no third party banks involved in the financing, the dealer has no loan value that has to be considered in the sale. Autos that normally would only be sold for $3,000.00 by a private owner, have been sold by these types of dealers for as much as, $8,000.00. That is excluding interest charges, which can be equal to 30% in some states.
If you have credit problems, you may find that avoiding those types of establishments will be of tremendous benefit. They will not help you to repair your credit, and there are better options available online with legitimate, reputable lending services that are in business to help you to avoid those types of catastrophic financial mistakes. Real auto financing is obtainable, even with a low credit score and buy here pay here autos is rarely ever needed.
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